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Following are suggested upgrades to the GARD Guide:
- Chapter 6 still needs considerable improvement particularly by adding design considerations for water covers and waste rock segregation/blending.  Also the section on costing of ARD prevention and mitigation should be expanded.
- the coal sections need to be reviewed by practitioners outside the SE US coal fields - particularly in South Africa and Australia. (nico testing the comment function)
- the risk based approach could be made more explicit in chapters 5 to 7 and in 9.
- the role of project geologists and considerations during exploration could be expanded in chapter 5
- chapters 6 and 7 need introductory flow charts to assist in evaluating the application of technologies.  We were not able to advance the BCARD or U of Utah charts for chapters 6 and 7 respectively
- the European regs section of chapter 3 needs to be written by the Europeans
- as suggested by others - more mini-case studies and also web links
- the executive summary should be translated into spanish, mandarin, french, portugese and russian
- a photo gallery with captions would be helpful - possibly with the mini-case studies.
- overall as suggested by Bob Kleinmann, the technical level of the entire guide should be raised over time
Keith Ferguson

Revision as of 18:54, 16 July 2009

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