Aeration systems for treating CMD

From GARDGuide
Photo 1. A 25º gravity-based cascading aeration flume (photo courtesy of Mike Kaufman, Chemstream, Inc.)

Photo 2. Conventional neutralization (a lime slurry and a flocculant being added near the rear of the photo)
and mechanical aeration of coal mine drainage (photograph by Terry Ackman)


Photo 3. Static mixers being used to aerate coal mine drainage after in-line neutralization neutralization using jet pumps; at this site, replacing
a conventional water treatment facility with an in-line system was highly cost effective (photograph by Terry Ackman)


Photo 4. A commercial 15 horse-power (11,000 watts) aeration device (a Maelstrom Oxidizer) installed at a passive treatment site to aerate
water flowing from an underground coal mine (photograph by Don Budeit, Environmental Solutions, Inc.)
